How to Send and Receive Texts using a 2nd Private Number on Your iOS Devices

In our latest update for AutoSender and AutoSender Pro we have added two new features to our private number subscriptions we are very excited about.

For those who don’t know our private numbers are virtual numbers we offer that are separate from your personal number. Once you subscribe to a private number you will have exclusive use of that number until you end your subscription. Learn more about our private numbers and how they differ from the cloud numbers here.

The first new feature is the ability to receive replies when recipients respond to any scheduled message you may send! This means that when someone sends a text to your private number it will be received directly in your phones messaging app for you to review and reply to.

The second new feature is the ability to send message’s through your private number directly through your messaging app. This means you can reply to responses you receive or even start new conversations using your private number! Below we take a look at how to use these new features:

Subscribe to a Private Number

Before being able to schedule a message through your private number you must subscribe to a private number through AutoSender or AutoSender Pro. To do this, you must open the app and click the “Balance” tab on the bottom of the screen. Next click the “Subscription” option and scroll to the bottom of the screen. 

Select the “Private Number Subscription” option and choose between a 30-day subscription, 90-day subscription, and a 365-day subscription. Once subscribed, you will be able to enter an area code for the region you would like and then choose from our list of available numbers. After you are subscribed you will have exclusive use of that mobile number until you end your subscription.

AutoSender Subscription page

Schedule a Message Through Our Private Number

Once you are subscribed, you can begin to schedule messages that will send from your new virtual number! To do this go to the “Home” tab and schedule a message as you normally would.

Near the bottom of the scheduled message you will see a section that says, “Message sent from _”. Ensure that it shows your virtual number instead of saying “Cloud Number”. You can then click “Schedule” and the message will automatically send from the virtual number at the selected time. 

Subscribing to a virtual number

Sending and Receiving Responses

Our latest feature allows you to receive responses from scheduled messages. Meaning if the recipient of the message responds it will show up directly in your phones messaging app.

It will show up under the virtual number in your messages with the format “Reply from (Recipient’s Number)- ‘Message’”. This allows you to easily identify who is responding to your messages and what the reply is. 

To send a regular reply with your virtual number simply open your messaging app and open the conversation under the virtual number. Then type in “@NNNNNNNNNN” + Your message. With the NNNNNNNNNN representing the recipient’s phone number. This will allow you to easily respond to any responses you received! This will then tell our system to send the message to the number you entered. This will still consume credits as usual as we are sending the messages from our sever.

Below is an example of a reply that may be received from a scheduled message and an example of how to respond!

If you have any other questions or concerns about how our virtual numbers work please reach out to us through our support page.

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